Account Management

Brian Briscoe (Owner/ Managing Director) will be directly responsible for managing the relationship between The Garden People and you, the customer, and can be contacted at any time via mobile phone or email.

Brian Briscoe has City & Guilds Horticulture, City & Guilds NPTC Pesticide Control, City & Guilds Level 3 Vehicles/HGV Maintenance. He has worked in contract gardening for over 25 years.

We would expect that most communication would be between members of your contract management team members and our administration team, and typically via email.

We prefer to work in the spirit of partnership and will endeavour to be responsive, open, and honest at all times.

Quality Audits

As a small business with directors who are actively engaged in the delivery of its services, the company does not undertake internal quality audits. Management would, effectively, be auditing itself. We are, however, happy to be subject to quality audits by customers from time to time.

Issues and complaints

As a long-standing, family business, our natural mode of communication is friendly, face-to-face. We always try to empathise with individual residents, to get to know them and be a friendly, recognised face to the vulnerable, elderly and disabled.

Feedback, good or bad gleaned from conversations with residents is recorded in our daily reports and acted upon promptly. Important issues will be reported to the contract management team.

We regard a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction about our organisation and staff. A complaint can be received verbally, by phone, by email or in writing. We would investigate the complaint in a timely way to make sure that it is resolved and that relationships are not damaged in the process. We would handle it sensitively, telling only those who need to know and follow any relevant data protection requirements.

Full details of all complaints and their communications history will be retained for future reference internally and will also be available to you for monitoring purposes.

Stage 1 – Responding

We would formally acknowledge the complaint within 2 business days and confirm who is dealing with the complaint and when the complainant can expect a reply. A copy of our complaint’s procedure would be attached.

Our aim would be for the complaint to be resolved by the person responsible for the issue or circumstance. If this proves to be impossible, impractical, or insensitive, another member of our staff will investigate and take appropriate action.

If YHG would like us to meet to discuss the matter this will be done as soon as possible. We will agree how the complaint should be resolved. If no meeting is required, we will send a detailed reply to the complainant, including our suggestions for resolving the matter. This reply will be sent within 10 business days.

Stage 2 – Escalation

If the complainant feels that the problem has not been satisfactorily resolved at Stage one, they can request that the complaint be reviewed by a Director. At this stage, the complaint will be passed to Brian Briscoe (Managing Director). Brian will write to confirm that he will deal with the case and when the complainant can receive a reply. He will investigate the case, reviewing with the person that dealt with it in Stage one. If the complaint relates to a specific person, they will be informed and given a further opportunity to respond.

Stage 3 – Learnings

We monitor and review the effectiveness of our complains handling process to ensure that this continuously improves and learnings from complaints are used to continuously improve our service.

Reporting and management information

Brian Briscoe is made aware of all complaints received. Records are kept of all complaints and all related communications history is retained. The Garden People has historically received almost zero complaints, but the company is not complacent. The level and type of complaints received will be monitored continuously during the term of the contract to ensure that the good reputation of our company remains intact and that the image of our customer is not tarnished in any way.

You will be able to request copies of any complaints, documentation held by us and the company will engage openly and honestly in any discussions or review meetings requested by you.

We will engage with you to determine your monthly management reporting requirements and agree on submission deadlines and appropriate contacts. We can deliver reports in your preferred format and using your preferred communications channel.